Animated website on CMS

In charge of ensuring compliance with EU accessibility regulations.

There is no compromise between design and functionality. Get a visually pleasing website with dynamic animations and the ability to fix content through CMS, and inlined with the EU accessibility regulation process.

  • HubSpot
  • Website

About client

Bilberry is a software company dedicated to improving everyday life 
in the travel industry. Developing user-friendly and powerful 
digital tools for planning, selling, and delivering travel and 
experience services.

Industry Software solutions
Location Norway
Years of work 2024


  • Web design
  • Web development
  • HubSpot implementation
  • Report system creation
  • Marketing support
  • The challenges

    Bilberry is a rapidly growing technical company,  Our task involved creating a website with engaging animations on HubSpot CMS.

    Also, we need to ensure compliance with EU accessibility regulation.

    The client provided content and design, and our objective was to enhance the design while ensuring it complies with the EU accessibility regulations.

  • Solution

    1 Design improvement

    Our talented UX/UI designer made significant enhancements to the client's website, resulting in a high-quality solution.

    Also during work, we propose an enhanced website structure and create new pages.

    The website consists of 5 well-structured templates of webpages, ensuring an optimal client experience.

    2 CMS development

    The first thing we need to do is create a CMS module for the website. We created it as a modular component that can be easily edited, added, and adjusted on the website. So if the client would like to add something new, he could use it. 

    We also included a blog page and structure on the website, allowing the client to showcase and promote their services through engaging website content.

    During this stage, we make sure that the animations and design align precisely with the Figma design and meet the client's specifications. A challenge we encounter is the CMS functionality. Due to the limitations of the CMS being built on Java, we are unable to utilize common animation libraries and must develop them from scratch.

    After ensuring everything works well, we transfer all developed modules to the client's HubSpot account.

    3 CMS usage education

    Following the development of a website, we offer tailored training sessions for our valued Bilberry company. Our comprehensive lessons cover the ins and outs of CMS, content management, and the administration of web pages.

  • Result

    The client was pleased to receive a fully-functional, reliable website that complies with both client specifications and EU accessibility standards.

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