Streamline Your HR Operations with HR Spot


HR Spot offers a seamless way to handle leads and support clients, ensuring quick response times and high service standards. With user-friendly configurations and comprehensive coverage of all sales and marketing processes, HR Spot empowers your team to deliver top-notch service.

Discover how HR Spot can transform your HR operations with advanced lead nurturing capabilities and robust CRM solutions.

Book a demo
  • Candidate Management

    Efficiently track and manage candidate applications

  • Workflow Automation

    Automate repetitive tasks to save time and reduce errors

  • Platform Integration

    Seamless integration with job boards, ATS, and other HR tools

  • Analytics & Reporting

    Custom reports and dashboards for data-driven decisions

What's included in HR Spot?

HR Spot is a tailored made solution for staffing and recruitment business. It streamlines your HR operations by integrating seamlessly with diverse platforms and automating essential workflows. With expertise in mapping and optimizing business processes, HR Spot enhances efficiency, improves candidate management, and provides real-time analytics to support data-driven decision-making.

Proven impact


Stanislav Tielki

Director of Sales and Recruitment VAV Personnel


We engaged AIMest, a HubSpot Solution Partner, for the implementation of HubSpot within our HR company. Their expertise in mapping our business processes, integrating with various platforms and automating key processes has been invaluable.

Highly recommend AIMest for HubSpot implementation.

View case study

How HR Spot can improve your business

  • Enhanced candidate engagement and tracking

    HR Spot integrates advanced candidate tracking and engagement tools within HubSpot CRM. This ensures timely and personalized communication with candidates, improving their experience and increasing the chances of successful placements.

  • Reduced manual workload through automation

    Automation features in HR Spot minimize the need for manual data entry and repetitive tasks. This not only reduces errors but also frees up valuable time for your HR team, allowing them to concentrate on more critical aspects of recruitment.

  • Real-time insights and analytics for better decision-making

    With robust analytics and reporting capabilities, HR Spot provides real-time insights into your recruitment processes. These actionable insights help you make informed decisions, optimize your strategies, and ultimately improve your recruitment outcomes.

  • Custom solutions tailored to your recruiting business needs

    HR Spot offers customizable solutions that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of your recruiting business. Whether it's integrating with existing platforms or tailoring workflows to fit your processes, HR Spot ensures a perfect fit for your operational requirements.

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Compare our proposal to the market


Working space setup

Organizing your data

Marketing instruments setup

Sales instruments setup

Software integration

Team support

Business playbook  

Our solution

We establish a system based on our extensive experience collaborating with HR businesses

Our expertise lies in data normalization and transformation, offering valuable insights for your business

We are developing email automation and also integrating Facebook Ads, FB Messenger and other

We integrate IP telephony, messengers, sales and email templates

Effortlessly integrate your website and software functions with HubSpot's capabilities

Provide daily support to your team throughout the entire onboarding process

Develop a robust system to guide task management and automate workflows across the entire client engagement process

Market proposal

Technical instructions for setup only

Solely uploading data into the system

Walkthrough the steps to set up your emails

Make standard sales instruments setup with no custom approach

Typically limited to leveraging HubSpot functionality or setting up simple, out-of-the-box solutions

Limited by hours per project of support

Implement a limited level of automation as requested by the client

If you have any suggestions regarding your project, we are more than happy to discuss them with you.

You'll get

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