Transform the Kitchen manufacturing business processing within HubSpot

Create a single system to operate marketing, sales, and service through CRM

Discover how our meticulous approach to business process mapping, HubSpot ecosystem preparation, custom integrations, and automation has streamlined Prime Hardware's operations. 

  • Implementation of HubSpot CRM
  • HubSpot
  • Custom Integrations
  • CRM

About client

Prime Hardware, based in Sacramento California, provider of premium and modern European styled kitchens. Providing an end-to-end service from customer design, through to US-based manufacturing and dedicated fitting teams

Industry Kitchens manufacturing
Location USA
Year 2024

Provided services

  • HubSpot Service PRO
  • HubSpot Automations
  • Playbooks
  • Integrations
  • Visualisation
  • Data Migration
  • HubSpot Sales PRO
  • The Challenge

    Prime Hardware were operating their business with a recently installed basic version of HubSpot Starter Suite and disjointed systems between sales, manufacturing and installations.

    They had identified a number of areas for potential improvement, including the way in which the entire sales process is managed and guided, through to the handover to design and manufacturing, and the way in which the customer experience is co-ordinated.

  • Solution

    1 Business process mapping

    Before diving into a project, we carefully outline and map out all marketing, sales, and service processes.

    We helped to create buyer personas that best characterize their ideal customers and on which to direct the main focus of the marketing and sales teams. Based on that, we segmented the existing Prime Hardware base and created separate letters by customer types,

    In addition, we implemented a lead scoring model that identifies the most promising contacts for the sales team to engage with, ultimately leading to faster sales success.

    2 HubSpot Ecosystem preparation

    In collaboration with sales team, we tailored activity types for calls and meetings to enhance analytics. Additionally, we fine-tuned pipelines for deals and tickets, and set up custom filters for efficient contact searches based on specific criteria.

    We carefully examined the custom fields on Contacts, Companies, and Deals; evaluated the usage of basic fields, and developed a thorough data management process. Lifecycle Stage and Lead Status were reconfigured.

    To boost team efficiency in engaging potential customers, we've developed a range of templates and snippets (brief text paragraphs).  We have created different scripting scenarios to improve the efficiency of qualifying new inquiries and closing deals.

    With HubSpot's calculation fields, we automatically calculate the prepayment and post payment %

    3 Custom integrations

    We upgraded the integration of HubSpot and Zapier to a direct integration with ads, streamlining the process of bringing in leads seamlessly.

    To the already existing integration of HubSpot with RingCentral telephony, we added integration with other telephony, which is more functional and allows you to do more advanced analytics and transcribe the calls of sales specialists.

    We successfully integrated digital documentation with the internal HubSpot quotation system, creating a convenient document-signing solution.

    The sales part is completed by setting up the Payments process, which we implemented through the integration with payment, and which allows you to receive payments and visualize all information in HubSpot.

    Incorporate it into the workflow of the service team, ensuring they receive prompt notifications on payments to kickstart their work immediately.

    4 Automation and reporting preparation

    The workflow set up for marketing channels integration, automatically populates the necessary fields on the contact and facilitates the rotation of new requests among sales managers.

    Additionally, with the help of workflows and sequences in HubSpot, we were able to enhance various aspects of the company's business operations. This includes utilizing different triggers to send personalized cover letters to customers, delegate tasks to the team, and seamlessly transition from sales to service.

    Part of automation is aimed at automatic filling of fields, notifications of those responsible for performing tasks, etc.

    We have implemented a dedicated system of reports and dashboards that provide insights into key business development metrics such as lead generation, application qualification, agreement creation, payments, team productivity, and more.

    This has established a high standard of operation.

  • Results

    Prime Hardware has had their business operations optimised, improved, and transformed with the upgrade to HubSpot Professional licenses

    Thanks to the prospecting workspace, sales specialists have the opportunity to effectively manage their daily workload in HubSpot from one place - tasks, meetings, emails, sequences, etc.

    By customizing the Documents tool, we increased the efficiency of teams working with corporate presentations. In Sales Playbooks

    The Quote and Invoice tools in HubSpot have significantly improved the work with commercial offers

    The sales team can quickly and conveniently create, configure, send, and track signing contract envelopes from a contact, company, or deal record. 

    The integration of lead forms and advertisement instruments has greatly boosted response times to new requests and boosted conversion rates.

    Now, the seamless flow of information from sales to the design and manufacturing teams ensures that each department has a centralized and efficient way of monitoring the status and progress of contacts and companies.

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