Switch to HubSpot for managing HR processes

Operate an HR business on CRM

Expertise in mapping business processes, integrating with diverse platforms, and automating essential workflows has proven invaluable. We help to engage the best HubSpot features for a specific of recruiting business.

  • Implementation of HubSpot CRM
  • HubSpot
  • CRM

About client

VAV Personnel is an HR agency dedicated to assisting migrants in finding employment opportunities in their new places of residence. The company specializes in providing official job placements in countries such as Germany, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, and more.

Industry HR
Location Poland
Year of work 2024

Provided services

  • HubSpot Automations
  • Process mapping
  • HubSpot Integrations
  • HubSpot Sales PRO
  • HubSpot Marketing PRO
  • Data management
  • FB ads
  • Reporting
  • The Challenge

    VAV Personnel, a company with a vast client base across Europe, needed a more efficient way to manage their processes, handle leads, and support clients. Quick response times to inquiries and upholding high service standards were crucial for delivering top-notch service.

    Although their current CRM, fell short in covering all sales and marketing processes, and the team found the configurations to be less user-friendly.

    Recognizing the need for lead nurturing capabilities, the team decided to explore HubSpot as their new CRM solution.

  • Solution

    1 Mapping business processes

    Before starting any project, we carefully study and analyze all the customer's business processes and evaluate HubSpot's capabilities in implementing business requirements.

    HR business has its specifics because the business model in most cases involves working with different audiences: 

    •  Job-seeking candidates,
    • Employers looking for employees,
    • B2B and B2C partners who transfer contacts of potential employees and employers

    Based on the specifics of the industry, we built a data architecture in HubSpot, linking various objects with each other.

    2 Preparing system for usage

    VAV Personnel contains the next objects  - Vacancies, Candidates, Employers, and Partners with associative data.

    For each object, we created several custom fields for collecting the necessary information, which allowed us to organize the segmentation of candidates and employers according to various variables - gender, age, experience, location, etc.

    Since client engage with Candidates and Employers, we've set up distinct pipelines for each, aligning with their unique communication logic and stages. Tracking is fine-tuned through Lifecycle stage and Lead Status, with automated reminders for managers to stay on top of tasks at every stage.

    3 Integrations with HubSpot

    In order to create a comprehensive IT ecosystem for teams, we have successfully integrated HubSpot with a variety of tools.

    One notable integration we have implemented is the HubSpot and FB Ads integration, which seamlessly connects FB Ads forms to HubSpot, ensuring that no leads are missed from this important advertising channel.
    Additionally, we have also integrated with FB Messenger to enable the sales team to efficiently handle candidate inquiries and promptly qualify new leads.

    We also connected VAV Personnel's existing website with HubSpot's CRM. This streamlined the process of transferring contact data from forms on the site and enabled automatic filling of contact properties in the CRM. Additionally, this integration facilitated the analysis of traffic by different channels.

    For the sales department, we have additionally configured integration with Unitalk IP telephony, which allows easy registration of phone calls in CRM and improves future communications. The head of the sales department has a detailed report on calls by teams and individual managers.

    4 Process automation

    In order to streamline the daily tasks of the VAV Personnel teams, we have implemented various automations, such as distributing new advertising requests among managers, automatically copying and populating fields in contacts and companies, and marking Lifecycle stages based on Lead Status and more.

    We Implemented internal notifications to inform managers about new job applications and guide them through tasks at each stage of communication with candidates or employers.

    5 Reporting

    We've developed a reporting system that includes dashboards in HubSpot and broader analytics in Power BI. This system tracks lead conversions, contact time at each stage, team activity analytics, KPI performance, and more.

    The reports are constantly updated in real-time, empowering you to make data-driven decisions when building strategies.

  • Results

    VAV Personnel smoothly transitioned their assets to HubSpot within our well-prepared ecosystem.

    Our team has been expertly trained to utilize the system effectively, tailored specifically to the HR industry. With all leads seamlessly flowing into the CRM, client service has significantly improved in terms of speed and organization. The company's managers are delighted with the efficiency of the system:

    • Built effective marketing and sales processes based on CRM HubSpot
    • The efficiency of processing applications from candidates and employers has increased
    • Managers' time for routine CRM management has been reduced
    • Customized real-time analytics and reporting
    We engaged AIMest, a HubSpot Solution Partner, for the implementation of HubSpot within our HR company. Their expertise in mapping our business processes, integrating with various platforms and automating key processes has been invaluable. Highly recommend AIMest for HubSpot implementation

    Stanislav Tielki. Director of Sales and Recruitment

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